Ready to play?
If you want a good dish of pasta, you need to get creative.
Which is why making one is a great opportunity to have some fun at home with the kids.
Here’s how it works.
– Download and print the pictures below
– Cut out the empty plate
– Choose the ingredients you want to use
– Cut out the ingredients and colour them in how you want
– Mix the ingredients together on the plate
Your pasta dish is ready now!
Take a photo of your child’s unique dish and make an Instagram Story, using @pastagarofalo and #readytoplay.
We’ll repost all the Stories in our profile and create a gallery in the Highlights with the children’s dishes.
Don’t have a printer? Just draw an imaginative pasta dish with your child on a sheet of paper and upload it in a Instagram Story using @pastagarofalo and #readytoplay. We’ll be delighted to add it to our gallery!