Social and environmental commitment
Quality first and foremost, but not only that of our products:
Garofalo dedicates special attention to people’s quality of life,
as they are the heart of the company, and to the quality of the environment.
Social commitment

Garofalo believes in the indispensable and precious good represented by people, the essential foundation on which a true competitive advantage is built, as well as the company’s growth path.
Inspired by this principle, Pastificio Garofalo is active in providing for the needs and well-being of its employees, with particular sensitivity to the issues of diversity and inclusion, as can be testified by the inclusion of the company among the 20 finalist brands for the Diversity & Inclusion Brand Award in March 2019.
A goal of Garofalo is also to make all its employees feel protected and cared for, just like in a large family. This is why special attention is paid to corporate welfare, mostly in terms of health initiatives such as a vaccination plan for all employees and a breast screening program for cancer prevention for employees and family members.
Environmental commitment

The quality of our products is an essential priority, which for us goes hand in hand with protecting the quality of the environment. Respect and love for the Gragnano area push us to be constantly on the front ‘line to minimise the environmental impact of our factory.
For this reason, we have chosen to invest in solar energy and cogeneration in order to safeguard the excellence of the product with a very careful eye on the business chain.
Thanks to the installation of a trigeneration plant powered by natural gas, in fact, we have optimised energy costs along with a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.
Moreover, to reduce the spillage of waste in the Gragnano area as much as possible, for almost 15 years Garofalo has chosen to use packaging cartons made with recycled paper coming from the landfills of Campania, an operation that in 2018 alone allowed for a reduction of CO2 emissions equal to 958 tons, as well as savings of 56,876 cubic metres of water and 3,472,177 kwh/ton of energy.
85.5% of the cartons used for the packaging of the Garofalo line are GreenboxX cartons featuring corrugated cardboard packaging obtained by processing waste from the separate collection of companies and citizens of Campania.