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De reproductie, distributie en openbare kennisgeving, met inbegrip van het ter beschikking stellen van de gehele of gedeeltelijke inhoud van de website voor commerciële doeleinden, op welke drager of via welk technisch medium dan ook, zonder de toestemming van Pasta Garofalo, is uitdrukkelijk verboden.
De gebruiker verplicht zich tot het in acht nemen van de rechten van intellectuele en industriële eigendom van Pasta Garofalo. De gebruiker kan de website en de inhoud daarvan gebruiken als dit voor persoonlijk en privégebruik is. Elk ander gebruik is verboden en vereist de uitdrukkelijke voorafgaande en schriftelijke toestemming van Pasta Garofalo. De gebruiker mag de beveiligingssystemen die op de website zijn geïnstalleerd niet opheffen, wijzigen, omzeilen of manipuleren.
Pasta Garofalo is in no way responsible for damages of any nature caused, for example, by: errors or omissions in terms of content, lack of availability of the portal or transmission of viruses or malware or other elements detrimental to the contents, despite having adopted every technological measure necessary to avoid it.
It is possible to be redirected to third-party website content from the customer’s website. Since the provider cannot always control the contents placed by third parties on their websites, it does not assume any responsibility with respect to these. In any case, the provider undertakes to immediately withdraw any content that may violate national or international legislation, morals or public order, proceeding with the immediate withdrawal of the connection to this website, also informing the competent authorities of the contents in question.
Pasta Garofalo is not responsible for the information and content stored – as an indication but not exhaustive – on forums, chats, blog generators, comments, social networks or any other means that allow third parties to publish content independently on the web. However, Pasta Garofalo remains available to all users, authorities and law enforcement agencies and actively cooperates in the collection and, if necessary, in blocking all content that could invalidate or contravene national or international legislation, rights of third parties or morality and public order. If the user believes that the website contains such content, he/she is invited to immediately notify the website administrator.
The website has been reviewed and tested to work properly. In principle, correct operation is guaranteed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day of the year. However, Pasta Garofalo does not deny the possible presence of programming errors or the occurrence of force majeure, natural catastrophes, strikes or similar circumstances that make access to the website impossible.
It is forbidden to enter hyperlinks for commercial purposes on the websites outside Pasta Garofalo that allow access to the website without the prior consent of Pasta Garofalo. Pasta Garofalo is not responsible for the use or contents of third-party websites linked to Pasta-Garofalo.com.
Matomo is analysesoftware die wordt gebruikt door deze Website om gegevens direct te analyseren zonder hulp van externe partijen.